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Equity in Data: A Framework for What Counts in Schools


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Building a better data culture can be the path to better results and greater equity in schools. But what do we mean by data?

Table of contents

Chapter 1. A Framework for Equitable Data Culture

Chapter 2. Schools: School Identity, Equity Audits, Goals, and Public Statements

About the authors

Andrew Knips has more than a decade of experience teaching students, leading teams, and coaching leaders in Philadelphia's public, alternative, and charter schools. He is an education leadership coach, executive coach, data consultant, and racial literacy trainer. Previously, he was a high school English teacher and school administrator. Andrew has observed thousands of teacher team and leadership team meetings, facilitated hundreds of professional learning sessions, coached hundreds of educators, and collaborated on equity audits in over a dozen schools and organizations. He has designed dozens of data tools and systems for teachers and leaders. He has presented at conferences such as AERA and NCTE and has published articles on blogs such as Edutopia and Education Post.

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