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School Culture Rewired: Toward a More Positive and Productive School for All, 2nd Edition


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Your school is a lot more than a center of student learning—it represents a self-contained culture with traditions and expectations that reflect its unique mission and demographics.

Table of contents

Chapter 2. Culture Versus Climate

Chapter 3. Building Blocks and Subcultures

Chapter 4. What Type of Culture Do You Want?

Chapter 5. What Type of Culture Do You Have?

About the authors

Steve Gruenert is the department chair of the educational leadership department at Indiana State University (ISU). He helped design the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute, has coordinated the Principal Preparation Program at ISU, and has been a principal at both the high school and middle school levels.

His research passion is school culture and climate, and he continues to engage with leaders at the national and international levels, helping them think about the role of culture in school improvement.

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